Coastal Blue Carbon

Author: Ghost Gear Disappear Inc. |

Coastal conservation, Restoration and Management

Sea grasses are critical juvenile fish and shellfish habitat.

Salt marshes provide critical shore protection services and essential habitat for juvenile fish, shellfish, and birds

In addition to their carbon sequestration potential, both seagrass and salt marshes support climate adaptation by improving habitat and the food chain for commercial fisheries; shoreline stabilization; storm protection and flood attenuation. Many blue carbon plant species also significantly raise the seafloor, again supporting natural coastline protection against sea level rise.

Restoring, protecting and improving blue carbon ecosystems (i.e., salt marshes and seagrass) across coastal areas is a key tool in achieving these goals.

  • Restoration of degraded areas inside living meadow
  • Revegetation in degraded areas
  • Restoration of natural hydrodynamics (e.g. sediment captured from rivers)
  • Creation of protected areas
  • Conservation through preventive measures (e.g. installation of artificial reef, eco buoys and etc)
In Coastal Salt marches
  • Restoration of marches
  • Revegetation in degraded areas
  • Conservation of artificial marches (afforestation)
  • Improvement of degraded marches
  • Creation of protected areas
  • Conservation through preventive measures (e.g. installation of artificial reef, eco buoys and etc)

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